
Sales Letters - Secrets To Make Professional And Highly Converting Sales Letters

Sales letters is one of the most important key aspects in selling activity, and in internet marketing world, its role is even bigger because it is actually your digital salesman. Without proper and professional sales letters or sales page, internet marketer is doomed to cyber poverty forever, regardless of how good his or her product is.Poorly written sales letters is the main thing that can put sales dead in its track so fast, and that is the rock bottom truth in digital marketing. Therefore copywriting jobs is very important.Are there any elements that seperate professional sales letters from the rest? can we really spot them and work on those basics elements to write a compelling and professional sales letters?Actually, there are some common elements in every successful sales letters, most of high impact sales page have typical contents more or less include 11 (eleven) steps that I revealed below :Headline : Headline consist of 3 (three) main components, attention headline, headline and sub-headline. Attention headline is the attention grabber, the function is to attract and capture attention of your prospect. This attention headline is written in normal font size. Next is the Headline or main Headline. The text font size for the headline is the biggest within the sales page (H1), this is where you write the main and biggest benefit of your product or services that you promote and mostly written in compelling and evokes positive emotional reaction towards your product or services. Next the sub-headline, mostly placed under your main headline and is intended to clarifies the benefit in the headline.Introduction : Consist of 3 (three) elements, Introduction sentences, the first paragraph, and paragraphs relating to problems that users are encounter. First the Introduction sentences. This will be the first part of the sales letter and it should it should capture attention, mostly written in brief sentences. Next the first paragraph, this can be only one paragraph or more, that allow you to make more detail presentation about your product or services. The last one is the paragraphs that listed in compelling manner bout the problems that most users are encounter that will be solved by your product or services.Product Introduction : Consist of Product introduction headline, Product Features and How your product or services solve the problems. The introduction headline is the headline for the product, where you explain about the product to your prospect. The Features is where you list all key features of your product or services. The last one is one or more paragraphs, explaining how your product can solves the problems.Features : Go further with detail features. Write as many features as you can. Please pay attention that Motor Parts this features section will be one of the strongest selling points of your product.Benefits : In this section you list all of the benefits for your prospect if they buy your product, it can be consist of several benefitsTestimonials : Whenever you can, put several testimonials on your sales page to further convince your prospects and arouse their desire to buy your product.Body : The body of your sales page should explain in further detail, how your product work, how much does it cost, why prospects should buy this product compare to other and clearly explain what your prospects will receive if they decide to buy your products.Bonuses : If you have bonuses that come along with the product, you are also have to write the headline for your bonuses, the value of the bonuses and more detail descriptions about all bonuses.Money Back Guarantee : If you have money back guarantee in place, you should clearly explain it on your sales page and since this element can rise the prospects confidence, you should have headline for money back guarantee and the money back guarantee text.Closing : this is the last part of your sales page before the legal forms and payment link. The Closing consist of one or more closing statement paragraphs and one or more P.S and closing P.SLegal Form and Order : This is the last part of your sales page, where you can write legal information, headline for order and order reasons (to strengthen your prospects will to execute the order as soon as possible.That's the secrets, Whether you want your website visitor to opt in to your newsletter or make a purchase, it all depends on how well your sales letter 'sells'. If you're like me then you probably dread the idea of starting out to create a new sales letter from scratch, or craft Wholesale China a web page to sell your product on the Internet. I admit that by following those steps above, you will be in good shape, but I also admit that it cannot make you an excellent copywriter overnight, you have to do a lot of study and practice to sharpen your copywriting ability, while you maintain your form within those 11 steps.So to make an intelligent shortcut, instad of countless hours needed to study the copywriting skills, I use tools to help me create this sales letters in literally minutesTools to create Sales Page at originalsalesletterscreator.comAndy Riandi

